New Account Registration
Enrol into Service
Curiosity Early Learning Centre
Good Shepherd OSHC
Access Details
Other Details
Separate account for each parent?
Only tick if both parents need to create separate accounts for the same child/ren. If ticked, then please take care to ensure bookings are placed on the correct account.
Provide a label to help service distinguish this account from others (e.g. Mother, Father, Grandparent, Foster Parent, etc)
I would like to opt-out of all email marketing from Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista
I would like to opt-out of all SMS marketing from Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista
I would like to receive a confirmation email when your bookings are changed
I would like to be notified by SMS of any payment issues (charges may apply)
I would like to be notified when a new Statement of Entitlement is available
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